
My Journey of Self-Discovery

My name is Ravelle, and I’m a Reiki Master, Mindfulness Life Coach, and Meditation Teacher. My lived experience with anxiety and trauma urged me on a journey of self-discovery.

After years of immense suffering and emotional turmoil, I uncovered a deep peace within my being.

Today, I am passionate about serving those who want to break free of their suffering and discover their inherent peace.

Ravelle | Inherent Peace

My Childhood in Trinidad and Tobago

I was born in Canada to Trinidadian parents and lived in Trinidad and Tobago for the first 7 years of my life. My mom is Catholic and my dad is Hindu, so, I grew up hearing stories about Jesus and Lord Shiva.

Ever since childhood, I had an affinity toward spirituality and felt a deep connection with Mother Nature.

But I also felt this void inside me. And for as long as I can remember, I always had anxiety and trauma. When I was a baby, I almost died and when I was 6 years old, I almost drowned at a beach. So, I was terrified of dying, even at a young age

As a kid, I had a wild imagination, worried a lot, and pondered my existence. I struggled to make friends and I often felt like an outcast. So, when my family immigrated to Toronto, Canada, I felt even more isolated.

Growing up in Canada

Life in Canada felt very different from the Caribbean. I had a hard time understanding my place in the world.

In my teenage years, I spent a lot of time alone and I experienced more trauma. I started questioning God and religion because I felt lost.

As a young adult, I started working in the financial industry and saw myself “climbing the corporate ladder”. I was convinced that this path would lead to the happiness I longed for.

But one day, my mental health took a turn for the worse and I could no longer ignore it.

The Dark Night of the Soul

Shortly after receiving a promotion, I started having panic attacks, dissociating, and blanking out.

During my lunch, I took naps in my car because I was so sleep-deprived.

I didn’t know what was happening and I stopped meditating altogether because I didn’t know how to face my pain.

I began seeing multiple doctors and psychiatrists. I was diagnosed with a rare sleep disorder and ADHD, and misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder.

In the following years, I was subjected to over 25 different medications (Seroquel, Lithium, Xanax, Zopiclone, Cipralex, etc). I sought various treatments on my own, but nothing helped.

It wouldn’t be for another 10+ years that I would find out that I never had bipolar disorder, and that my symptoms were due to past trauma.

Eventually, I could not work at all and came face to face with how deeply I was suffering.

I became addicted to my sleeping pills and battled with self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

Overall, I felt like a burden and did not want to live anymore. I hated myself and I wanted my heart to stop beating. Every beat was full of so much pain.

Medication, Mental Health
When Medication Does Not Help

Surrendering to Grace and the Path of Self-Discovery

One sleepless night around 4 AM, feeling utterly powerless and defeated, I found myself praying out of desperation rather than faith.

Unsure if I even believed in God, I wept, sobbed, and begged: “Please help me or take me, I can’t live like this anymore.”

The Buddhist Monk

Following that night, a series of synchronicities occurred, and a friend introduced me to a Buddhist monk, Bhante Saranapala.

By the end of our conversation, I felt much lighter and my energy had shifted.

In the end, he said something peculiar, “You are not the same person you were when you first sat down”. So, I laughed because I realized it was true.

Those words stayed with me, you are not the person you were when you first sat down.

Sleep, Self-Inquiry, and Self-Discovery

Soon after, I rediscovered meditation and yoga. I started Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy (MBCT) and began practicing self-inquiry with the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Mooji.

The question, “Who am I?” remained with me.

I also felt the support of those close to me and saw that this support was always there. It was as if the universe itself was supporting me.

Within months, life became bearable again. Not much had changed on the outside, but on the inside, something had shifted.

Here’s what we learned when we got married: A Monk’s Advice for a Happy Marriage

The Journey Within

I realized that this inward journey was the only way to true happiness, and it was apart from any religion, concept, or doctrine.

Challenges arose in my life in the years to follow, and still do, but facing my inner pain and turmoil has been the most difficult.

Eventually, my spiritual practice helped me uncover a light beyond the shadows of my soul.

Self-Discovery and Seeing Clearly

One day, a profound clarity swept over me. I realized I was already what I had been seeking. I am already free, and everything is okay. It is always okay.

It became clear that I could never lose anyone or anything because everything was happening inside my heart.

Waves of bliss and love began to flow through me.

I know now that I am beyond my physical, emotional, and mental states. I can experience everything in this life, without identifying with any of it.

This was the start of my healing.

Unpleasant energies continued to arise as a natural part of life, but I had found this deep peace within that is ever-present and cannot be destroyed.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – A Course in Miracles

My Psychedelic Journey to Heal Trauma

In 2022, a significant life change impacted me and I realized that my symptoms were due to Complex PTSD (C-PTSD), not bipolar disorder.

I had worked so much with my mind and emotions, but little with my body and nervous system. So, I began doing Somatic Experiencing and working with my body to release traumatic energy from my nervous system.

It taught me the importance of the mind-body-soul connection.

Eventually, I also started working with plant medicines to address the underlying symptoms of my mental health. And in November 2023, I embarked on a psychedelic journey to heal my trauma.

The experience was profoundly sacred and healing.

The mushrooms shattered my ego, expanded my consciousness, and allowed me to access my innate healing and return my spirit to my body.

I released a lot of trauma from my nervous system, gained insights into my life, and completely healed my sleep disorder (non-24-hr sleep-wake disorder).

I no longer wake up with an anxious pit in my stomach every morning and I’ve made significant changes in my life since.

But everything I needed was already inside me, even before the psychedelics. The mushrooms just helped me to see it.

Psychedelic Journey to Heal Trauma
Psychedelics aren’t for everyone and my intention is not to promote their use.

Sharing What I’ve Learned

Over the years, I’ve connected with many spiritual seekers and self-healers looking for ways to cope with their mental health and attain spiritual freedom.

I have also taught meditation classes, given mental health talks, and worked with a few individuals one-on-one.

It made me realize that it is still hard for so many of us to access spiritual guidance and mental health support.

This inspired me to do what I am doing today. So, I launched this blog in October 2018.

Here, I endeavor to explore spirituality, mental health, and somatics, and share wisdom and practices, that alleviate suffering and enable us to reconnect with our true nature.


Meditation | Self-Discovery | Meditation Class

Together, we can raise each other to higher levels of consciousness, and live with more openness and compassion.

In the words of Ram Dass, “We’re all just walking each other home.” And, according to A Course in Miracles, what we share with others, we strengthen in ourselves.

So, as I continue to learn and grow, I feel called to share what I find because I know that this peace and freedom is for everyone.

A True Spiritual Practice

With every life challenge there is an opportunity for significant growth and to become more aligned with your true self.

Discovering your inherent peace doesn’t mean your life suddenly becomes perfect.

Rather, it is all about realizing who you are and merging with your inner peace despite all the ups and downs.

It’s about being authentic and surrendering to yourself.

This path of self-discovery isn’t about adding anything new to yourself. Instead, a true spiritual practice is about discovering the truth of who you are at your very core.

Self-realization is complete joy and freedom. You are the peace you seek.

While I hope to offer support, one must fall into their loving arms because we are our greatest teacher and healer.

Thank you for reading.

With full love,

Ravelle Signature

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Ravelle | Inherent Peace