
One of the most common questions I’m asked is:

What spiritual books would you recommend?

During one of the darkest times in my life, a psychic told me to go to a bookstore and that I would find what I needed.

I had no idea what I was looking for, but I walked away with: A New Earth and The Untethered Soul. At that time, they were exactly what I needed to accelerate my spiritual awakening.

So, I wanted to share my book recommendations for spiritual liberation and inner peace.

These books nourish your soul and speak straight to the heart, offering wisdom to the lost and inspiration to the hopeless.

spiritual books for self-realization and to discover your inherent peace

Books By Me

As a former depersonalization & derealization (DP/DR) sufferer, I found a way to fully heal through mindfulness, CBT, & my spiritual practice.

In this workbook and self-help guide, I share my experience and path to recovery so you can heal too.

You can listen to this episode on the BMM Podcast to learn more about DP/DR & my book.

Spiritual Books for Self-Realization and Spiritual Liberation

Some books below are thousands of years old, while others have emerged recently.

To learn more and to see prices, please click “read” as they are listed with the merchants and subject to change.

Please note, that you may find better translations and prices from other sources.

My Favorite Spiritual Books to Nourish Your Soul

You can read my quick tip below on how to let your intuition choose the right book for you.

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose – Eckhart Tolle

This is one of the first spiritual books I ever read. It helped me recognize my ego and conditioning, and accelerate my awakening. Once you read it, you can’t go back to the old way of seeing yourself, the world, and other people; there is freedom in this.

Vaster than Sky Greater than Space – Mooji

I deeply love and appreciate Mooji and his pointings. He is an Advaita Vedānta master, and his guidance is clear and direct. In this book, he shares wisdom and leads you through deep inquiry to reveal our true essence of love and peace.

Wake Up and Roar – Papaji

H.W.L Poonja (Papaji) was a devotee of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Visitors from around the world sought his guidance. Some of his students are now spiritual teachers, including Mooji & Gangaji. This book contains Papaji’s essential teachings on spiritual liberation and Advaita Vedānta.

A Course in Miracles – Helen Schucman

This spiritual book has a Christian feel, but the message is Advaita. I found myself reading this with a lot of resistance in the beginning, but the more I read, the more it brought me peace and I saw the truth within every word. It contains 3 parts: the text, the workbook for students, and the manual for teachers. Overall, I love this book and I felt like it came to me at a time when I needed it. It’s a difficult read, so it may not be for everyone. However, it is a book I will continue to return to for guidance.

spiritual book
The Upanishads

The Upanishads are the last chapters of the Vedas, an ancient Indian scripture. There are 108 Upanishads and this book contains the major ones. It also offers thorough descriptions and introductions for those needing more background of the text. As I read, it quieted my mind and pointed me back to the Self. It felt natural to meditate after each sitting with this book. The Self is eternal, deathless, and the power which created the universe. The words of the Upanishads are a direct encounter with truth.

spiritual book | advaita vedanta
I Am That – Nisargadatta Maharaj

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj is another great sage from India. He is an Advaita Vedānta master and his teachings will transform your life.

To give you an idea of the depths of his teachings, you can hear some of his words of wisdom in this YouTube video:

If this video resonates, I highly recommend diving into his teachings. They are so clear and direct.

Stillness Speaks – Eckhart Tolle

This is another gem from Eckhart Tolle. Stillness Speaks contains simple and short sections for easy reading and reflection. It offers concise guidance to re-establish yourself in the present moment and to find peace within. I have used this book before meditating by reading a small section at a time and pausing wherever feels natural. It helps to quell the mind before meditation and offers clear guidance.

spiritual book | advaita vedanta
Be As Your Are – Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi, is one of the greatest sages of India. He taught through silence and the method of self-inquiry (vichara). Self-inquiry is a potent & direct method for self-realization. I constantly refer to it because this is the method that brought me into direct recognition of my true Self. So, if you are ready to awaken, go straight to Ramana’s teachings.

Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu

This is a classic Chinese text, full of ancient wisdom that is still relevant today, and it reads like poetry. Not much is known about the author Lao Tzu, he may have been a contemporary of Confucius. The text is over 2,400 years old and only contains around 5000 words. Yet, each line of this book goes straight to the heart. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in Taoism.

The Power of Now

The Power of Now has a simple yet powerful message about living in the present moment. Eckhart Tolle teaches us that the only time we can truly be happy is when we embrace the now. This moment is all there ever is and the past and future only exist in the mind. Only this moment is real. So, why do we resist it and spend so much time thinking about the past and future? This book connects you to peace and joy that is available in the timeless now.

The Untethered Soul – Michael A. Singer

This book is an excellent starting point if you are looking to deepen your spiritual practice and have not yet read any of the other spiritual books listed here. If you don’t know how to move beyond your suffering, The Untethered Soul is an excellent place to start. It offers an introduction to Eastern Philosophy from a Western perspective. It teaches you to witness your thoughts and experiences rather than getting swept up in them.

The Dhammapada

The Dhammapada means “the path of Dharma” and it contains teachings from the Buddha. It is in the form of verse and it is one of the most popular Buddhist scriptures. One of my teachers, a Buddhist Monk, told us that he reads from the Dhammapada every night because it provides him with inspiration and wisdom. I think this will be a good option for anyone who is drawn to the Buddha’s teachings and wants to learn more. It is a simple and enjoyable book.

Dattatreya’s Song of the Avadhut

This is a transformative text from India, attributed to Dattatreya (who was an incarnation of the Divine Trinity). In the Avadhūta Gītā, Dattatreya describes the liberated state and the nature of one who is spiritually free. This is the state of complete oneness, that is apart from form. The venerated Dattatreya eloquently describes spiritual liberation and the highest reality. Two translations are available below.

spiritual book
The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is perhaps the most famous spiritual text from India. It is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna. What Lord Krishna is teaching Arjuna comes from the Upanishads. It’s said that the Upanishads are the cow, while the Bhagavad Gita is the milk. If you have the milk, you won’t need the cow. In other words, if the Bhagavad Gita resonates with you, you may not need to read any other scripture.

spiritual book | advaita vedanta
A Translation of the Ashtavakra Gita

The Ashtavakra Gita is a classical Advaita Vedanta text. As most traditional teachings were in the form of a dialogue, where the student asks the master for guidance, this too is a dialogue between the sage Ashtavakra and Janka, a king. This spiritual book reads like poetry and has the power to dispel illusion and ignorance. Each verse is illuminating and effortlessly radiates the power of spiritual truth. It’s one of my favorites.

Quick Tip:
How to Let Your Intuition Choose the Right Spiritual Book for You

My best advice for choosing spiritual books is to let your intuition guide you.

  • Pick the book that calls to you.
  • The cover may grab your attention, or something about the description or table of contents will resonate with you.
  • Or, the title or image or a particular teacher may appear in your mind over the next few days.
  • Alternatively, it may be a book that you keep hearing about

The beauty of spiritual books is that they often find you. They know where they are needed. So, have faith that you will end up with the book that is best for you at this time.

I hope these recommendations will be of service to you on your journey to unending peace and spiritual freedom!

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