Embarking on a Psychedelic Journey to Heal Trauma

Three months ago, I embarked on a psychedelic journey to heal trauma. It was the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life.

The journey healed me in many ways. I gained countless insights and released traumatic energy from my body.

Although numerous misconceptions exist about psychedelics, for many people they are remarkably healing when used appropriately.

But before I tell you more about my psychedelic journey to heal trauma, I want to be clear that my intention is not to promote the use of illegal substances.

Psychedelics aren’t suitable for everyone, especially those under the age of 25 or anyone with a history or direct relative with a history of psychosis.

I’m just someone with a history of trauma who went on a sacred journey with some magic mushrooms, sharing my experience with those who are interested.

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Understanding and Healing the Impacts of Trauma

Introduction: Impacts of Trauma on the Mind and Body

When it comes to trauma, the overwhelming anxiety and bodily sensations are debilitating. Trying to rationalize these feelings can also cause them to intensify. As a result, we often face stigma and stigmatize ourselves.

This article is about understanding trauma, including the obstacles to overcoming it, the impacts on the brain, and the body’s role in healing.

My hope is to encourage self-awareness, compassion, and patience for oneself. All of which aid in reversing the impacts of trauma.

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