The Girl Under the Rug: Short Story for Spiritual Seekers


The Girl Under the Rug is a short story depicting the journey through the dark night of the soul, towards transcendence and self-realization. It is about awakening from pain, darkness, and fear, into the timeless recognition of love and freedom.

The story arose in my mind three years ago, and helped me navigate and see past the ego-mind, and return to peace.

For this reason, the beginning starts off bleak, full of personal identity, and wrapped up in stories of the past. However, you will notice as you read that the mood, energy, symbolism, and imagery shift as the protagonist chooses to be guided by grace.

May these words help you see beyond any hardships and emotional and mental turmoil you experience, so, you recognize your true self, which is forever free and effortlessly peaceful.

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The Dark Night of the Soul

What Is The Dark Night Of The Soul And How To Transition Through It

Throughout time, many ancient scriptures and sages have said that the secret of life is to: “die before you die,” for it is in death that we let go of everything.

Often we forget that every form is impermanent, yet, we cannot escape this reality. There is deep wisdom in this recognition. Everything in this life is temporary, and birth and death arise together. In truth, the dark night of the soul comes to wake us up to the light of our eternal being.

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Facing Painful Emotions

Why Acknowledging Your Emotions is an Important Part of Moving Through Them

Facing painful emotions can be incredibly difficult, regardless of their cause.

So, whether you are dealing with uncertainty, loss, illness, fear, shame, guilt, or sadness, the pain inside can be unbearable.

For this reason, people often dissociate or ignore their suffering. But you transcend painful emotions faster by consciously facing them.

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