An Introduction to Self-Inquiry

An Introduction to Self-Inquiry: A Potent Method for Self-Realization

What is Self-Inquiry and How to Practice It

Who am I? (Nan Yar?)


My Experience

Many people who have experienced “The Dark Night of the Soul” or have been meditating for a long time, are eventually drawn to self-inquiry. Often, questions like “who am I?” begin to arise.

I first stumbled upon self-inquiry (Atma Vichara) through a documentary about a sage from India, Sri Ramana Maharshi, who offered this practice to spiritual aspirants as a means for spiritual liberation. Self-inquiry removes the obstacles and illusions that stand in the way of self-realization.

In the beginning, I could not grasp the heart of this meditative practice but eventually returned to it. Now I understand that self-inquiry is one of the highest teachings for self-realization.

Knowing who you really are is freedom.

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Finding True Purpose

What does it really mean to find true purpose?

There seems to be a cultural idea that one must have a purpose. When one finds their purpose, it is then said that their life now has meaning. For those of us who struggle with the idea of finding true purpose, we may feel insignificant or powerless, as if we are not fulfilling our potential. This is simply not true.

Finding True Purpose
“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” ― Alan Watts
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Facing Painful Emotions

Why Acknowledging Your Emotions is an Important Part of Moving Through Them

Facing painful emotions can be incredibly difficult, regardless of their cause.

So, whether you are dealing with uncertainty, loss, illness, fear, shame, guilt, or sadness, the pain inside can be unbearable.

For this reason, people often dissociate or ignore their suffering. But you transcend painful emotions faster by consciously facing them.

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Meditating with a Noisy Mind

How To Meditate When Your Mind Won’t Stop Racing

For anyone that is new to meditation, it can be tough when you are starting off. It may seem like your mind won’t settle down, you can’t sit still, and you can’t stop thinking.

“Thinking is only a small aspect of consciousness. Thought cannot exist without consciousness, but consciousness does not need thought” ― Eckhart Tolle
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Difficulty Making Decisions

Six Things To Keep In Mind If You Struggle With Decision Making

Difficulty making decisions is a common result of stress, anxiety, and depression. We second guess ourselves, ruminate over what we should or shouldn’t do, weigh the pros and the cons and the list goes on. It can be like trying to draw out the most detailed map but still not knowing how to reach your desired destination.

Bridge, Water, Fall, Autumn, River, Stream
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Para Brahman: Poem

Para Brahman – Meditative Poetry

Para Brahman is the supreme reality, beyond all concept and physical form. Thus, it is difficult to describe in words the recognition of the ultimate reality. Nonetheless, here is a short poem I wanted to share that arose from a deep meditation.

Girl Meditating, Lotus Pose, Yoga, Meditation, Para Brahman
Inherent Peace – Poetry – Para Brahman
Photography By: Jonathan Lai
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