The Recognition of Oneness

Universal Oneness

Oneness is reality. Feel your body and feel the surface it rests on. What is the difference? Only what the mind says is different. The mind says, “this is me” and “that is that” but without the thought of “me” and “I” there is no separation. There is simply being.


Oneness is reality.

The earth has no mind to say, “I am the earth and you are the human.” The milky way does not separate itself from the earth. Even the cells in the body operate as an entire organism, rather than as an individual self.

In the same way, the entire universe rests as one whole with no separation between sun, moon, human, cell, or galaxy. The entire universe is one and you are the universe itself.

You are all. Timeless. Boundless. Eternal. That which is ever-present. When you are empty of an individual self, you recognize yourself in all things. This is oneness. You, me, each blade of grass, the trees, the ground, the sky, the moon, the stars… All spring from the same source, I am.

All incarnations and all of eternity are happening all at once, and it is all happening in your heart.

When we say “we are one” and “namaste”, these are not spiritual catchphrases and they aren’t merely ideas.

It is a deep recognition of truth. So, when I bow to you, I bow to myself. When I hurt you, I hurt myself.

Not because “what goes around comes around.” No. It is because there is no separation between us apart from the ego.

Without thoughts of me, you, my, I, there is only being, there is only consciousness.

In other words, when you feel your feet on the ground there is no separation between the body and the floor, until the thought “this is me, and that is the ground” arises in the mind.

Likewise, the milky way makes no division between itself and the earth, drops of water are not separate from the ocean, and atoms and space arise together.

They cannot be apart from each other.

The separate self is nothing, and you are not a separate self.

You are one with everything.

This is what is meant by oneness.




Thank you for reading,

With boundless love,


Read these related articles next: Discover the Bliss Beyond Bliss and An Introduction to Self Inquiry

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