Self-Realization and Freedom from Suffering

Introduction: Self-Realization and Advaita Vedānta

Just as raindrops fall into a stream, we flow into our sādhanā (spiritual practice) based on our unique temperaments. While our spiritual practice may change throughout our lives, these various streams lead to the same ocean of eternal freedom and self-realization.

At the heart of my sādhanā are the teachings of Advaita Vedānta and the practice of self-inquiry (ātma-vichār). The Indian sage, Sri Ramana Maharshi recommended self-inquiry for self-realization.

Over time, self-inquiry becomes less of a practice and more of your natural abode. When suffering arises, the inquiry occurs spontaneously, dissolving egoic patterns and revealing your inherent peace and timeless freedom.

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Beyond the Questioner: Self-Inquiry and 3 Common Questions


When you are on the path to self-discovery it is common for questions to arise in the mind. Nonetheless, the method of self-inquiry takes you beyond all questions and the questioner, to bring you into full recognition of your True Self.

For some, this can be very mentally draining, or even frustrating, because the questions compel your attention. So, moving beyond the questions can seem challenging and confusing.

Yet, whatever questions arise, they’re all washed away in the recognition of the Self.

For this reason, maintaining your sādhanā (spiritual practice) and remaining on the path to self-discovery, especially in times of doubt and uncertainty, is the remedy for stripping away the ego (false self).

For it is only in the realm of māyā (illusion) that these questions arise.

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Discover The Bliss Beyond Bliss

Introduction: How to Let Go and Stop Striving in Meditation

Whatever state you experience, good or bad, you move beyond it when you allow it to be. This is the bliss beyond bliss and it is available to each of us, in every moment. In fact, it does not require you to be in a particular state at all. Rather, it is content with all states.

To further explain, years ago, I experienced the most intense bliss during meditation which left an impression on me. I was completely absorbed in my heart, and it is difficult to describe in words. In fact, when it happened I wanted to hold onto the feeling, but after a couple of hours, it passed.

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Uncover the Hidden Mysteries of your Core Beliefs

What are Core Beliefs and How do They Affect You

Becoming conscious of your core beliefs is the first step towards radical change.

When people want to change, typically they work towards improving their behaviors and habits. On a more fundamental level, however, change can more effectively occur from a shift in our consciousness.

For instance, core beliefs are one’s central perceptions and assumptions about the world, other people, and one’s self. In other words, they are thoughts that we have identified with and view reality through.

As a result, they influence our behaviors, personalities, and emotional well-being, whether we are conscious of them or not.

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An Introduction to Self-Inquiry

An Introduction to Self-Inquiry: A Potent Method for Self-Realization

What is Self-Inquiry and How to Practice It

Who am I? (Nan Yar?)


My Experience

Many people who have experienced “The Dark Night of the Soul” or have been meditating for a long time, are eventually drawn to self-inquiry. Often, questions like “who am I?” begin to arise.

I first stumbled upon self-inquiry (Atma Vichara) through a documentary about a sage from India, Sri Ramana Maharshi, who offered this practice to spiritual aspirants as a means for spiritual liberation. Self-inquiry removes the obstacles and illusions that stand in the way of self-realization.

In the beginning, I could not grasp the heart of this meditative practice but eventually returned to it. Now I understand that self-inquiry is one of the highest teachings for self-realization.

Knowing who you really are is freedom.

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