Difficulty Making Decisions

Six Things To Keep In Mind If You Struggle With Decision Making

Difficulty making decisions is a common result of stress, anxiety, and depression. We second guess ourselves, ruminate over what we should or shouldn’t do, weigh the pros and the cons and the list goes on. It can be like trying to draw out the most detailed map but still not knowing how to reach your desired destination.

Bridge, Water, Fall, Autumn, River, Stream

#1 Not all decisions are of equal importance

Most decisions don’t have major repercussions even if you make the wrong one. This reminder comes in handy and is often needed for the anxious mind. Say you pick the wrong outfit or the wrong menu item; the worst case is that you aren’t happy with it. Even on a seemingly grander scale, it is still okay. Ask yourself what is important to you and perhaps even rank the level of importance to give you some perspective.

#2 If you make a mistake, you will learn from it

Sometimes you just need a decision, otherwise you remain “stuck”. Don’t put extra pressure on yourself to make the right choice in every instance. It’s just not possible, so cut yourself some slack and just breathe. Most things have a way of working themselves out and mistakes are a part of life, they allow us to grow.

#3 Use a combination of logic and emotion

It is important to be mindful of when our emotions are clouding our logic, so we can make a conscious effort to collect facts and information. However, if you only use logic then you may not be honoring your emotions. We must allow emotions to have their place in our lives because it is impossible to completely rid ourselves of them. Find a blend of logic and emotion rather than leaning too heavily on either one.

#4 Recognize the role anxiety and depression play

Anxiety tries to tell you that you will end up with your worst possible outcome and that you will not be able to handle it. Depression tries to tell you that you are not good enough, you are unworthy and unable to stand firm. Both are forms of doubt. Know this and simply affirm “this is doubt”.

#5 Sit quietly for a few moments

Don’t try to think of an answer. I know this sounds counter-intuitive but just sit and be still for a few moments with no expectations. Breathe deeply and feel your belly rising and falling. Do this and when you return to your decision you will feel a sense of calm. Again, you don’t need to know the answer right away. Just focus on the feeling of calm and clarity, and as you create more space within yourself, your confidence will grow. The mind will become more peaceful and fears and doubts will begin to lessen. It may even be helpful to try doing a writing meditation.

#6 Trust yourself

Center yourself and when you’re ready, trust that the choices you make will be appropriate for you to learn, grow, and move forward. Know that you can get through whatever your decision leads you to. Step into your own power and realize that you can handle situations. Believe in yourself and trust your own authority.

With Love,


If you have found value in this post, read Dealing with Uncertainty next.

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