5 Ways to Regulate Your Nervous System

Introduction: Releasing Energy From Your Body to Regulate Your Nervous System

Finding ways to regulate your nervous system can be challenging and isolating.

Many of us are stigmatized and misdiagnosed when seeking support for trauma, chronic stress, and anxiety. In truth, nervous system regulation is widely misunderstood.

During stressful times, our bodies are flooded with protective energy known as our fight-or-flight response. But when these responses are unsuccessful, our freeze response takes over and this energy frequently remains trapped inside us.

If the energy is not released, it becomes harder to manage stress, leading to anxiety, depression, insomnia, dissociation, and more.

By learning how to discharge this energy from your body, you can regulate your nervous system, overcome anxiety and trauma, and transform your pain into inner freedom.

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Understanding and Healing the Impacts of Trauma

Introduction: Impacts of Trauma on the Mind and Body

When it comes to trauma, the overwhelming anxiety and bodily sensations are debilitating. Trying to rationalize these feelings can also cause them to intensify. As a result, we often face stigma and stigmatize ourselves.

This article is about understanding trauma, including the obstacles to overcoming it, the impacts on the brain, and the body’s role in healing.

My hope is to encourage self-awareness, compassion, and patience for oneself. All of which aid in reversing the impacts of trauma.

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12 Thinking Traps You Need to be Aware Of

How Thinking Traps Affect You and How To Overcome Them

What are Thinking Traps and Why do you Need to be Aware of them

Thinking traps are inauthentic thought patterns that negatively affect our mood and behavior. In other words, they are not based on facts or reality. Rather, they are our mind’s perceived delusions and fears.

In truth, everyone is susceptible to thinking traps and often we don’t realize when we have fallen victim to them. So, being aware of them will help you dispel unhealthy thought patterns. As a result, you will reduce stress, safeguard your mental health, and achieve clarity and peace of mind.

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Explaining Mindfulness to Children

How You Can Explain Mindfulness To Kids In A Way They Will Understand, Remember And Enjoy

The Importance Of Mindfulness

When we don’t know how to help ourselves during times of anxiety and stress, life can be unbearable. Particularly as children, we are at our most vulnerable. While we are taught ways to protect ourselves from physical danger, often we are not taught how to help ourselves through psychological suffering.

Moreover, kids may not know how to ask for help or understand when they need it. In fact, I experienced this myself as a child and I strongly believe that explaining mindfulness to kids can really help them move through life with ease and confidence.

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The Perils Of The Unobserved Mind

Making A Leap Towards Peace And Freedom

A Realization For Emotional And Mental Well-Being

The unobserved mind creates incredible psychological pain for many people. When you deeply recognize that your thoughts are not facts, you will be able to free yourself from the perils of the unobserved mind and cut through the delusions of fear, anger, and depression.

As a result, your mind will be released from psychological suffering and be illuminated, peaceful, and tranquil.

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Dealing With Uncertainty

Dealing With Uncertainty: A Common Trigger For Anxiety

The Link Between Anxiety And Uncertainty

It is important to truly understand how your mind treats uncertainty so that you are not held prisoner by it.

Dealing with uncertainty can trigger anxiety, tension, and stress, causing us to view the world with hostility and apprehension. Additionally, it can leave us feeling vulnerable and uneasy, making us indecisive, clouding our judgment, and resulting in irrational behavior.

For example, dealing with uncertainty in a relationship, job, or with regard to your health, can cause you to ruminate over the worst-case scenario. You may then act from a place of fear, and project those fears onto the people around you.

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Short Story: The Friends in my Head

A Short Story About Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and Insomnia

A few nights ago, I could not sleep and started writing this short story about the friends in my head; Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and ADHD. With mindfulness, meditation, and self-inquiry, my perspective about mental illness has shifted, and I can now make light out of my experience.

In truth, I wrote this story from a carefree place, and if you read it with a serious tone, you may miss the intended sarcasm and irony. I hope it makes you laugh and gives you hope, but if it makes you cry, know that you are not alone. Either way, please let me know in the comments if you can relate to this story.

Medication, Mental Health

My hope is that those who are struggling with anxiety and depression will become aware that there is a way to be free despite the inner turmoil

You can find peace even if mental illness walks with you. I know this because it walks with me and I have learned that it is okay. You can read my bio here.

Emotions and mental states are constantly changing, but peace is available in every moment, for everyone.

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The Dark Night of the Soul

What Is The Dark Night Of The Soul And How To Transition Through It

Throughout time, many ancient scriptures and sages have said that the secret of life is to: “die before you die,” for it is in death that we let go of everything.

Often we forget that every form is impermanent, yet, we cannot escape this reality. Deep wisdom can be found in this recognition. Everything in this life is temporary, and birth and death arise together. In truth, the dark night of the soul comes to wake us up to the light of our eternal being.

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Facing Painful Emotions

Why Acknowledging Your Emotions is an Important Part of Moving Through Them

Facing painful emotions can be incredibly difficult, regardless of their cause.

So, whether you are dealing with uncertainty, loss, illness, fear, financial difficulty, shame, guilt, sadness, or a breakup, the pain inside can be unbearable.

For this reason, people often dissociate or ignore their suffering, but you will transcend painful emotions faster by facing them.

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Difficulty Making Decisions

Six Things To Keep In Mind If You Struggle With Decision Making

Difficulty making decisions is a common result of stress, anxiety, and depression. We second guess ourselves, ruminate over what we should or shouldn’t do, weigh the pros and the cons and the list goes on. It can be like trying to draw out the most detailed map but still not knowing how to reach your desired destination.

Bridge, Water, Fall, Autumn, River, Stream
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