Find Peace and Unleash your Spiritual Power


One day, I laid in bed noticing my stress levels. As I heard my mind’s chatter I remembered my spiritual power and chose peace. Within an instant, the chains of worry and anxiety broke, and I felt free.

In fact, you can unleash your spiritual power at any time, and find peace and freedom from all the anxieties and pressures of the world.

Find Peace and Reclaim your Spiritual Power
“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.” ― Sri Ramana Maharshi

Why Many Struggle to Find Peace

We all have practical needs to sustain our bodies (i.e., food, shelter, and clothing), but often our desires go well beyond this without us realizing it.

These desires are:

Your desire to become

Your desire to have

And your desire to keep

In fact, even when our basic needs are met many people remain unhappy because of ego. So, their thirst is never quenched and they cannot find peace.

Why the Ego’s Desire for Worldly Gain Never Leads to Fulfillment

The ego’s desires are well known and sought out: possessions, superiority, material wealth, pleasure, and recognition.

To be clear, nothing is inherently wrong with worldly attainment.

However, when this is your primary focus and means for happiness, you lose yourself in the world and lose touch with silence and stillness.

The Ego’s False Promise

The “happiness” associated with the ego is relief and not joy. It is a temporary relief from the state of desire and frustration which always seems to linger.

We chase that which dims our light, even though it does not last and never satisfies.

So, when one goal is achieved, another takes its place, never leading to true fulfillment. Yet, it is the ego that creates this thirst and is powerless to satisfy it.

Consequently, many people become imprisoned in a state of lack and unhappiness, but it is only your belief in lack that imprisons you.

This cycle continues unless you remember your spiritual power and your true desire to find peace.

Ego Cycle of Desire - Inherent Peace - Infographic
Ego Cycle of Desire | Inherent Peace

The Forgotten Riches Within You and Your Spiritual Power

Worldly riches pale in comparison to the fountains of gold inherent in you, which are wholly satisfying and never lacking.

When you call forth your spiritual power, it brings true abundance, fulfillment, and joy. In addition, this power frees you from sadness, anger, worry, despair, tension, and frustration.

Your spiritual power can transform your life because it cuts through the illusions that bound you, and instantaneously hands over your true inheritance of joy, peace, and love.

Yet, we do not always value this, which prevents us from finding any peace at all. So, why do we trade our spiritual power for superficial gratification?

The Ego’s Illusory Power vs. Your True Spiritual Power

Whenever you feel disheartened, know that this is ego.

In these moments, ask yourself: what have I chosen to value and why? Be aware of the tendency to serve that which does not serve you.

In fact, when I realized I felt stressed and disheartened, I knew it was because I had identified with the ego. So, through my spiritual power, I could discern and relinquish the illusion of lack.

Remember, the world does not bring peace and happiness. So, if you look for salvation in the world, you won’t find peace.

Furthermore, the ego will keep the search going because what you seek is what you believe you don’t have, and this is what the ego’s existence depends on.

5 signs you are identified with ego:
  1. You feel: incomplete, separate, stressed, frustrated, isolated, under attack, and closed-off
  2. There is a lust for material gain, worldly achievement, and status
  3. You feel annoyed by other people
  4. Your efforts feel forced, strained, and draining
  5. You look for yourself in the world and seek identity through feelings, thoughts, things, validation, and status
Dark Night of the Soul, Anxious, Depressed, Stress
The Dark Night of the Soul
Photo by: Jonathan Lai
5 signs you are using your spiritual power to Find Peace:
  1. You feel inspired and moved. Actions seem effortless, at times this can be intense but it does not create tension!
  2. You start choosing:
    • peace over war
    • love over being right
    • forgiveness over condemning
    • sanity over money
    • self-love over self-harm
  3. You know your wholeness and stop looking for yourself in the world. When egoic tendencies arise, you find your center and seek to heal rather than react.
  4. You feel a sense of certainty and conviction, even when you don’t have all the answers because you trust in life
  5. You stop judging yourself and others and sharing peace brings you more joy.

Breaking the Illusion and Unleashing your Spiritual Power to Find Peace

Often, the only thing we are serving is the ego, the false self, which has no power of its own and denies you your freedom.

The ego wants you to forget your spiritual power, but you will know when you’ve lost sight of your heart.

Furthermore, when you recognize that your goals are out of alignment with truth, you will work to rectify the situation.

For this reason, the ego tries to conceal your real desires from you with false desires.

For instance, many people believe if they work hard, they will have more money to buy more things, and then they will be happy.

Likewise, people believe that being right, standing out, gaining respect, finding the perfect partner, or having success will lead to fulfillment.

If you felt complete, however, you would not desire fulfillment. So, these desires are a belief in lack.

When you unleash your spiritual power, you will not believe in lack at all because you will know your wholeness. You are what you seek is not a cliche, it is the truth.

Freedom from the Trap of Striving and Clinging

The ego seeks what is transient.

For many years, I remained in a constant state of fear, never feeling like I was enough or had enough. It wasn’t until I had nowhere left to look for happiness, that I began looking inside myself.

Worldly power does not last, it is unsatisfying, and it does not bring real joy.

On the other hand, your spiritual power is eternal, completely reliable, and totally satisfying.

Recognize your true desire and choose to value it above all else

Ask yourself, what you genuinely want and why, until you unmask the ego. If your desire does not come from the heart, it will never satisfy.

In truth, our heart’s desire is for joy, love, and peace but the ego appears to create innumerable roundabout ways to get it, never arriving.

If you want to find peace, you will not choose drama and therefore you will have peace. Furthermore, be very honest with yourself in your assessment of what you have chosen to value.

You are already complete and your real desires are not for things, rather it is to find peace.

When you choose to value only this, the ego’s cycle of desire will disappear and joy will emerge.

The Ego’s Spiritual Identity

The ego may interpret “spiritual effort” to mean you must forsake the world.

Spirit does not reject or forsake the world, it knows only love.

In fact, the desire for spiritual liberation can take the form of lack and the ego tries to send you on another quest.

You may undergo many spiritual practices trying to arrive at a place of peace and bliss.

However, this interpretation of spirituality comes from ego and is another cycle of desire and resistance to what is.

Spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can help calm the mind, but enlightenment is not a goal.

So, it is more appropriate to refer to your spiritual practice as a way of being or knowing, rather than a method that leads to the attainment of a spiritual state or future happiness.

Otherwise, you are in another cycle of desire trying to quiet your mind while in resistance to what is.

So, let go of the false belief that happiness is not already here in this moment. You are already free and complete, and everything in this moment is okay.

Find Peace and Reclaim your Spiritual Power, Inherent Peace, Ravelle
Ravelle | Spiritual Healing | Read my Bio

Using your Spiritual Power to Find Peace Within

We all have this power within us that is a guiding light through all the noise and darkness in the world.

The ego is loud and roaring, but the spirit is quiet and gentle.

For this reason, spiritual power never attacks the ego, it simply does not react to it at all because it knows it is not real.

The belief that you are your work, mood, thoughts, possessions, and your body, ultimately leads to disappointment. They are all timebound and therefore, do not last.

So, know that who you are is beyond anything the ego claims to offer and when you stop looking for happiness in the world, you will find peace and joy abundantly within you.

With the light of your awareness, you will break the tendency to identify with the ego and discover your True Self, which is boundless, eternal, ever-free, totally complete, and inherently peaceful.

Find Peace Within Right Now

Whenever you don’t feel peaceful, this is ego and your belief that this moment is not enough.

If you did not believe this, you would not chase happiness in the future because the future is imaginary. Nor will you find peace in the past because memories only exist in the mind.

Therefore, both the past and future do not exist in reality.

Furthermore, what many people call reality is their interpretation. Consequently, they do not encounter anything real beyond their ego, which itself is illusory.

In truth, only this moment is real, and happiness lies right here, not elsewhere.

So, in this moment, use your spiritual power and put aside your opinions, judgments, interpretations, and the beliefs you have about yourself, others, and the world.

Right now, let go of the belief that there is something more to do before you can be happy. Rather than doing and becoming, just be and know that everything is okay.

In this moment, you are enough and have enough, so stay here in the eternal now.

Don’t grasp for anything or push anything away. Let everything come, but don’t go to it. Simply be here now, without the need to add anything to yourself or worrying about what comes next.

You are free and perfectly complete, nothing is out of place. You are the peace, joy, and love that you seek; it is within you and flows through you right now.

With Endless Love,


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Read related articles:

Breaking the Chains of Desire

Finding True Purpose

Falling in Love with Silence and Stillness

8 Replies to “Find Peace and Unleash your Spiritual Power”

    1. Thank you, David, for your kind words and for taking the time to read and comment. I’m delighted to know that you found it inspirational and educative. Your feedback encourages me to continue creating content that is valuable to my readers. Thanks again for your support!

  1. Dear Ravelle,
    Thank you for writing this…I often struggle with a sense of lack, that I’m not enough. “Right now, let go of the belief that there is something more to do before you can be happy. Rather than doing and becoming, just be and know that everything is ok. In this moment, you are enough and have enough, so stay in the eternal now”. So very helpful…appreciate the reminder!
    Christina xo

    1. Thank you, Christina, for your kind words and openness. It is so lovely to hear that those words resonated with you and served as a reminder. I appreciate your comment! Lots of love 🙏❤️

  2. Thank you for sharing this post on ego. It’s been something I’ve been trying to navigate through and understand better. Your article made things simple and clear to interpret, and I love the Ego Cycle digram you made!

    1. So happy to hear it made things simple and that you liked the diagram! It is wonderful to hear you are trying to understand more about the ego. I really appreciate your comment and feedback, Azaria 🙏 May you be happy and well ❤️

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