10 Teachings to Unlock Your Inner Peace


If you’re feeling the energies in the world right now, chances are you’re experiencing a variety of emotions and a general sense of unease. Although the world may seem chaotic, you can unlock your inner peace at any time to overcome anxiety and unrest.

So, here are 10 teachings to unlock your inner peace today.

inner peace
I am ever present to those who have realized me in every creature. Seeing all life as my manifestation, they are never separated from me. They worship me in the hearts of all, and all their actions proceed from me. Wherever they may live, they abide in me.” — The Bhagavad Gita

Introduction: Inner Peace and the Outer World

I’ve been deeply troubled by what happened to George Floyd… With all the violence and hatred in the world, it is difficult to believe in goodness.

Will these atrocities and cruelties ever end? Can there really be inner peace without outer peace?

The Manifestation of Worldwide Sickness

I am not a revolutionary, I’m someone who believes in the salvation of humanity.

What happens in the world is a symptom of what takes place in the mind. What we call outer and inner experience, is one and the same.

So, I don’t think it is a coincidence that the coronavirus pandemic and the worldwide protests for justice and equality are happening simultaneously.

In fact, the sicknesses of hatred, prejudice, greed, and ignorance are seeds that grow to manifest in the world as violence.

With that said, I have been asking myself, what teachings are available to us at this time?

10 Teachings to Unlock Outer and Inner Peace:

The 1st Teaching for Inner Peace: The Fire of Kali

I know many have felt a fire rising in them recently, myself included. One of the first things that popped into my head were the words “fire of Kali”.

You see, the Hindu goddess Kali, was the personified manifestation of the goddess Durga’s fury.

Kali began destroying the evil in the world but was so consumed by rage that she started to destroy everything, including what was good.

When these words rose in my mind, I realized that the fire I felt could either be helpful or hurtful.

In other words, don’t let rage consume you or you’ll lose yourself in it and destroy your inner peace.

Read this related article for more: Dealing with Anger

The 2nd Teaching: Jesus

The next teaching that has been on my mind comes from the bible about a woman who was accused of adultery.

She was brought before Jesus and the people wanted to stone her, but Jesus told them, “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

With that, the people went away, and Jesus said to the woman “Has no one condemned you?” She responded, “no one, sir.” And Jesus said, “neither do I condemn you.”

So, before any of us condemn each other for ignorance or otherwise, it would be wise to look within ourselves.

I know that I have been ignorant at times and I have hurt others and myself, so, it is important for me to heal my own mind rather than judge and criticize anyone else.

In fact, whenever you do something wrong, it comes from the ego, but the ego is not who you are. Nor is the ego in others the truth of who they are.

Furthermore, when Jesus was crucified, he did not condemn, and said, “forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”

So, who are we to condemn others?

Read this related article for more: Letting go of Judgment

The 3rd Teaching: A Course in Miracles

Regardless of your personal beliefs about God, I wanted to share a powerful sentence I read from A Course in Miracles:

“Only God’s plan for salvation will work.”

You see, the ego always seeks control and believes that its way is the only way. Likewise, the ego does not have faith or trust, and its existence is entirely based on fear and the illusions of separation.

As a result, it tries to bend people and situations to its will, but it does not know salvation because salvation lies beyond it.

When you live by ego, you will distrust and fear everyone, turn others into enemies, and will not know love.

“Only love is strong because it is undivided.” – A Course in Miracles

The ego’s plans for salvation will not work. So, focus on what is in your control to create change but let go of outcomes.

Remember, life is unpredictable and changeful. Do what you can and walk in love rather than ego and leave the rest up to grace.

Read this related article for more: Find Peace and Reclaim your Spiritual Power

The 4th Teaching: A Lesson from Physics

Photo by NASA

The earth was created from chaos. The death of a star (supernova) blasted through space interacting with clouds of gas and dust which eventually formed rocks.

These rocks collided together, and the earth began to grow and became molten from innumerable collisions.

Through human perception, this is chaos.

For millions of years, the earth was bombarded by collisions from comets and asteroids until the planet settled into a stable orbit, which we have today.

These comets and asteroids brought the ice which flows in the earth’s oceans today, making it possible for life to form.

Things may seem chaotic now, but we don’t know what grace lies within the chaos.

Trust that grace is guiding everything and let life unfold without any expectations.

Read this related article for more: Dealing with Uncertainty

The 5th Teaching: A Course in Miracles or Rumi, the Sufi Mystic

Note: Although the following quote is commonly accredited to Rumi, I recently read this word for word in the book A Course in Miracles (ACIM). So, I believe the origin may be ACIM.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

If we all do the inner work we need to heal our minds, we can have a new world that is built on the foundations of love, acceptance, unity, peace, and freedom for all.

However, you cannot force anyone to do this work because the results will be fruitless. It is up to others to remove the barriers within themselves that stand in the way of love.

Those who have done this work themselves come to know true joy. Their hearts radiate kindness, compassion, and pure love for all. They act as a beacon, leading others home to truth.

In fact, when you awaken, it is natural that you will want to free your brothers and sisters from their suffering.

In other words, when you have inner peace, your love radiates outward and can heal.

Read this related article for more: Uncover the Hidden Mysteries of your Core Beliefs

The 6th Teaching: From the Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita means ‘The Song of God’ and is about a conversation between Lord Krishna who is an incarnation of God, and his friend Arjuna that took place over 5000 years ago.

Arjuna was facing a moral dilemma due to an upcoming battle. During this time, several tyrants were abusing their power and there was a struggle between good and evil, dictatorship and democracy.

Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna about the purpose of life and how to realize God. Although Arjuna would have to stand against his family and friends on the battlefield, Lord Krishna tells him to fight in the name of Dharma.

Dharma is virtue, duty, morality, righteousness, and universal law

The lessons from the Bhagavad Gita teach us to take a stand for what is right and virtuous, but also, not to be attached to outcomes.

Furthermore, I want to note that Bhagavad Gita offers three paths to moksha (liberation). According to Bhagavad Gita, you can attain liberation through (1) Karma Yoga (virtuous action), (2) Jnana Yoga (knowledge/wisdom), or (3) Bhakti Yoga (devotion), depending on your unique temperament.

Read this related article for more: Healing the Mind with Metta Meditation

The 7th Teaching: Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching

This quote is one I will never forget, because a few years ago during one of the most challenging times in my life I got it as a tattoo.

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” – Lao Tzu

Be aware of your mind’s tendency towards restlessness. Furthermore, the mind is often dissatisfied and resists the way things are, which creates more suffering for you.

Often, it isn’t external situations that cause suffering. Rather, it is your mind’s interpretation of what happens that disturbs your inner peace.

When the mind is untamed it has a tendency toward negativity, fear, depression, and anxiety.

It is important to have space from thoughts and emotions because there is a space within you that is totally undisturbed even amidst chaos. Find this space.

“To the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders”

Additionally, before you decide to help others you must be strong first. So, take time to center yourself and unlock your inner peace.

Read this related article for more: Find Your Center in Difficult Times

The 8th Teaching: The Truth about Impermanence

On the inside of my forearm, I have another tattoo that says, “this too shall pass.” Which serves as a reminder to me that all things are impermanent.

Nothing remains the same forever and change is a fact of life. If things are difficult for you right now, know that it will not last and that everything is okay.

Challenges are a normal part of life and when one door closes, more doors open.

Your True Self, on the other hand, is changeless and ever-free. Within you is a space that is totally peaceful, calm, and undisturbed. Your essence is love and freedom, and you can dispel the illusions that engender suffering.

Read this related article for more: The Dark Night of the Soul

The 9th Teaching: Focus on the Present Moment

It is easy to get carried away in thought and lose touch with the present moment, but right now is all that exists.

So, come back to this moment because the only time you can have peace is right now. The future is uncertain and exists only in the mind, likewise, holding onto the past is like clinging to a ghost.

In fact, those who experience anxiety are afraid of the future, and those who experience depression are often consumed by their thoughts about the past.

When you return your mind to the present moment and let go of past and future, you will free up so much space within you.

Consequently, your inner peace will blossom and you will begin to share peace with those around you.

Read this related article for more: Falling in Love with Silence and Stillness

The 10th Teaching for Inner Peace: Oneness is Reality, Non-Duality

We are one, and although many believe they are separate from the whole, this is an illusion

Oneness is reality.

It is a deep recognition of truth. Without thoughts of me, you, my, I, and other, there is only being, there is only consciousness.

In other words, when you feel your feet on the ground there is no separation between the body and the floor, until the thought “this is me, and that is the ground” arises in the mind.

Likewise, the milky way makes no division between itself and the earth, drops of water are not separate from the ocean, and atoms and space arise together. They cannot be apart from each other.

So, when I bow to you, I bow to myself.

When I hurt you, I hurt myself, not because “what goes around comes around.”

No. It is because there is no separation between us apart from the ego.

The separate self is nothing, and you are not a separate self.

When you are empty of a separate self, you recognize that you are one with everything and everyone.




This knowledge is freedom.

Read this related article for more: The Recognition of Oneness

Inner Peace, Lotus Pose, Yoga, Meditation

Conclusion: Your Inner Peace and Love

Your inner peace and love are needed to heal the world. You can be in the thick of the world and still have peace within.

Sometimes, a fire will rise in you to burn away the ego and the illusion of separation so you can embrace true oneness.

When you give up your inner peace, you do yourself and others a disservice.

So, trust that everything that is happening is guiding you to give up your illusions and leading you to freedom. The true purpose of this life and this world is to liberate you.

Don’t let fear hold you back from love because you are losing out on one of the greatest joys in this world.

Keep believing in goodness and do not stand idly when there is injustice. Participate in life and act when needed, but let go of outcomes.

You are the light that this world needs, and you can illuminate so many around you. So, I bow to you, not because of inferiority or superiority, but because we are one.

As much as I want to change the world, I know that salvation lies within. So, my will is to let go of the illusions that engender suffering, and to help others do the same.

I hope one or more of these teachings resonated with you. If one stands out from the rest, take time today to think about it and what it means to you.

Everything is your teacher, and you are never without guidance even if you feel lost.

May we all be a light to end hatred and the illusions of separation.

With endless love,


If you found value in this post, let me know in the comments, share it, and join my email list!

10 Replies to “10 Teachings to Unlock Your Inner Peace”

    1. Thank you so much, Paul. That’s awesome that the teaching from the Bhagavad Gita resonated with you! I am glad you found the teachings powerful. Thank you for taking the time to comment 🙏❤️

  1. Beautiful Ravelle! Such wonderful insights and I strongly resonate with everything you write. You have such a clear and organized way with words yet also so deep and right to the center of what we need to hear. I also love Toaism and that quote “To the the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I really appreciate your kind and thoughtful feedback. It is so nice to hear that what I’m sharing is clear and resonates with you, that makes me so happy! And I’m delighted that you like the quote too! It’s one of my favorites. 🙏❤️

    1. Thank you for this lovely post during these strange times. Many of these teachings resonated with me ❤️
      Truly, LOVE is the answer.

      1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. It is so lovely to hear that many of these teachings resonated with you. And totally! Love is the answer 🙏❤️

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