Tapping Into Nature’s Spiritual Presence

Introduction: Transformation Through Nature’s Spiritual Presence

Our society is largely disconnected from Mother Nature’s spiritual presence. As a result, many people find that they are just going through the motions of life without a true sense of fulfillment and connection.

You might wake up in the morning feeling empty, disengaged, and uninspired. Somedays, it might even feel like there isn’t anywhere you truly belong.

And it may be difficult to trust your instincts or be present.

These are all signs that you’re seeking deeper meaning and connection. It is how our inner landscape alerts us that we are not aligned with the deeper part of our being.

You see, we live in a society but not a community. We overuse our minds but struggle to be present. We are disconnected from our instincts but compelled by meaningless pursuits.

And we are juggling an interplay of mental health and environmental crises.

So, we need the support of Mother Nature’s spiritual presence more than ever, to transform and awaken us. Not just for our own well-being but for the benefit of all Earthly life.

Tapping Into Nature's Spiritual Presence. natures spiritual presence

Remembering Our Connection to Nature

Each of us needs a space where we are free to be ourselves. A place where we truly belong and can connect to our intuition and instincts, recharge our energy, and find guidance and inspiration.

When I first came to Canada from Trinidad and Tobago, I felt like an outsider.

But I remember the first time I saw snow. I was in deep awe.

From the Caribbean seas to the snowy winters, I found myself finding connection and a sense of belonging through Mother Nature.

Her gusts of wind and beautiful snowflakes never discriminated against my brown skin.

spending time connecting to nature

She treats everyone the same. And this connection to nature is universal. It is inside all of us, regardless of where we are in the world.

After all, human beings are pure embodiments of nature and a complete part of the totality.

So, if you are longing for connection, go out in nature and you’ll find it. Because Mother Nature’s spiritual presence reminds us that the Earth is for everyone.

Self-Reflection: When have I felt connected to nature? Does being in nature impact my mood? How would I feel if I could spend more time in nature?

Tapping Into Nature's Spiritual Presence. natures spiritual presence

How Mother Nature’s Spiritual Presence Can Heal Our Society

We are all affected by nature. Some of us experience headaches when the rain rolls in, depression during the winter months, or sleepiness basking in the sun.

And if you’re like me, your allergies have gotten worse over the years.

This is likely due to climate change and air pollution affecting how plants release pollen. Consequently, the effects of allergies and asthma have increased for many people.

So, it is imperative that we understand our individual and collective connection to nature.

How Our Society Negatively Affects Our Well-Being

Examples of toxic aspects in Western society:

  • materialism and consumerism, at the expense of our environment
  • measuring our worth based on success or what we own
  • conforming to particular ideologies or behaviors, but being disconnected from our true instincts, values, and intuition
  • reinforcing discrimination and prejudice, over our interconnectedness
  • hyper-individualism over community and connection
  • digital overload which is addictive and further isolating

These factors in our society create a lot of suffering throughout the world.

But nature’s spiritual presence guides us to honor our true selves and interconnectedness with all beings.

So, when more of us are living in connection to the natural world, we will create a more sustainable and loving society.

Self-Reflection: What aspects of society negatively affect me? What do I feel in my body when I think about society’s disconnect from nature? In what ways do I prioritize “screentime” over nurturing my soul?

Tapping Into Nature's Spiritual Presence. natures spiritual presence

How Our Connection to Nature Accelerates Spiritual Awakening

Nature stands apart from society’s madness and holds the power to aid in our spiritual liberation.

The story of the Buddha’s enlightenment is an example of this:

The Buddha was meditating under the Bodhi tree when the demon Mara tried to prevent his awakening. Mara challenged the Buddha and said, “Who do you think you are to sit on this spot and seek enlightenment? Who bears witness to you?”

The Buddha then laid his palm on the Earth and said, “The Earth is my witness.” He knew he was supported by the Earth and this connection gave him the right to awaken.

The Earth is our witness, the consciousness we are supremely connected to, which bears witness to us all.

The Buddha continued to spend a lot of time in forests even after his awakening. And to this day, there is a tradition of Buddhist monastics living in the forests.

Nature’s spiritual presence played a vital role in the Buddha’s awakening. And he encouraged his disciples to practice meditation in nature, particularly at the root of a tree.

The Buddha is often depicted in this “touching the Earth posture” (Bhumisparsha Mudra), with one hand on his lap, and the other, pointing down towards Earth.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay. Natures Spiritual Presence. Bhumisparsha Mudra. "touching the Earth posture"
Zhuangzi's Butterfly Revelation. mother nature's spiritual presence

Many spiritual masters throughout time have revered nature and drawn lessons from nature to convey spiritual truths.

An example of this comes from Advaita Vedanta and The 24 Gurus of Dattatreya, which include lessons from the sun, moon, water, and a flock of pigeons, among others.

Mother Earth is our witness and teacher. She supports our spiritual journey toward peace and freedom. And she needs our mindful attention.

Self-Reflection: What environments help me feel more present? How does nature serve as a source of inspiration and guidance in my life and how can I become more connected to it?

Tapping Into Nature's Spiritual Presence. natures spiritual presence

7 Spiritual Teachings From Mother Nature

When I talk about Mother Nature, I am not referring to a being, but the Supreme Consciousness that permeates all existence.

Mother Nature is the perfect spiritual teacher. She welcomes and contains all beings. Her ever-changing spirit inspires us to act and awaken from within, while also being a source of nourishment and tranquility.

She opens deeper dimensions of spiritual presence within us so that we are more aligned with our true selves. She is the perfect balance and there is much to learn from her.

7 Spiritual Teachings From Mother Nature:

#1 Impermanence

When I look out my window, I can see the buds on the tree. It is a sign of early spring. Nature shows us that nothing stays the same. There is birth, death, renewal, destruction, and transformation. So, we do not need to be deeply attached to anything, because all things are subject to change, including ourselves.

nature's spiritual presence
#2 Interconnectedness

People from all over the globe read this blog. But no matter how far apart we are, when we look at the night sky, we are seeing the same moon. It is the same sun that shines on all of us. Everything in nature is connected and dependent on each other. It is a beautiful reminder to be kind and compassionate to each other because we are all one.

#3 Rest and resilience

As I write this, I can hear the thunder pounding in the sky. Normally, there are squirrels running along the fence in the backyard, but on this stormy day, they are keeping a low profile. They know when it is time to rest. But regardless of the weather, nature has the ability to survive hurricanes and blizzards. And although I can see broken branches from this past winter, I know the trees will continue to thrive this summer. This lesson of rest and resilience is a welcome reminder during the times our inner landscape is in turmoil.

Meditating Outdoors. Tapping into nature's spiritual presence.
#4 Stillness

Whenever we go hiking in the forest, it is so much easier to find stillness. You can rest beneath a tree, and let it teach you to be still. Naturally, you may find yourself meditating and becoming more present as you tap into Mother Nature’s spiritual presence. She is always reminding us to slow down and be still.

#5 Acceptance

Nature is adaptable. She teaches that there will be times when we must move with the flow of life and surrender to what is. And other times, we will need to push against the current to achieve our goal, like salmon swimming upstream to ensure their reproduction. By letting go of resistance, we conserve our energy so that it is available when we need it most. And through acceptance, we flow with life and maintain inner harmony, even when times become challenging.

#6 Non-Judging

Nature is neither good nor bad, it just is. A tree doesn’t care if it is summer or winter, it simply adapts. A mountain doesn’t assume it’s beautiful or care if people think it is ugly. It remains tall and still, regardless of whether we find it majestic. And if you have pets, you know how easy it is to be around them. They don’t look at you and think wow, what were you thinking with that outfit? Babies are like this too. Observing rather than judging, can improve our mental health.

#7 Simplicity

Society is complex. But nature is simple with simple processes and patterns. For instance, a tree can grow from a single seed with water, sunlight, and nutrients from the soil. This is a simple, efficient, and sustainable process. It is a reminder to be simple. By reducing our desire for material possessions and unnecessary distractions, we can live more healthy, meaningful, and sustainable lives.

grateful for nature's spiritual presence

Self-Reflection: Do I recognize and appreciate the lessons that nature offers? What lessons have I learned from nature this past week? What is nature trying to tell me today?

beauty in nature's spiritual presence. Natures Spiritual Presence.

Becoming Aware of Your Inner Landscape

Our first connection to nature is within our body. Everyone has a unique inner landscape, which can be stormy or serene in the light of presence.

Once, the image of an erupting volcano came to mind paralleling my mood. Contrasting this, was imagery of a mountain in the ocean on a sunny day. As I focused on the mountain, my inner landscape changed.

This is the wisdom of Mother Nature’s beauty. Whatever state you’re currently in, it is ever-changing.

When the wind blows, most of us won’t argue with it. But when it comes to our internal environment, we often resist certain experiences. Forgetting that everything comes and goes like the wind.

Over time, this resistance becomes part of your inner landscape. But, you can let it go when you choose to be okay with what happens inside you.

This doesn’t mean you have to disappear into your thoughts and emotions. Instead, just witness them. Because everything within you is observable.

And by being aware of your inner landscape, it changes. So, embrace what comes up, because this brings balance and fuels spiritual growth.

Self-Reflection: Am I mindful of my inner landscape? Using imagery from nature, what does my inner landscape look like at this moment?

nature's spiritual presence. Natures Spiritual Presence.

How to Tap Into Nature’s Spiritual Presence

I absolutely love being in nature because it is so healing, especially when dealing with stress and anxiety, or working through trauma.

In fact, when we’re stressed it’s harder to be present and to trust ourselves. However, nature’s spiritual presence makes it easier to be present and calm, and to reconnect to our instincts and intuition.

So, this simple practice is for quieting the mind, connecting to oneself, reducing stress, and releasing chaotic energy from the body.

In essence, this is a mindfulness practice.

Each step is designed to help you tune into the wisdom and spiritual presence in nature to promote healing and inner freedom.

Skip to the Next Section OR Read this Practice Here:

Simple Practice for Tapping into Nature’s Spiritual Presence

To get the most out of this practice, spend at least 3-5 minutes with each step.

Step 1: Find a safe and comfortable space outdoors.

Choose a place outdoors where you feel safe. It can be in your yard, on your balcony, or in a forested area.

nature's spiritual presence. Natures Spiritual Presence.

Perhaps somewhere with a body of water, a field with trees, or a garden, if any of these are accessible and call to you.

Feel free to sit, stand, or lie down. Just be comfortable.

Step 2: Breathe

Notice your breathing. You can do this with your eyes closed or open.

Is your breathing deep or shallow, fast or slow, obstructed or free-flowing, warm or cool, noisy or quiet, labored or effortless?

If your breathing feels uncomfortable, take some time to adjust it.

Step 3: Choose An Anchor

Choose the anchor that feels more natural and grounding for you. Use it at any time during the exercise to restore balance and calm.

connecting to mother nature's spiritual presence. Natures Spiritual Presence.
Breath as an Anchor

Begin making your exhales longer than your inhales. For instance, inhale for a count of 3 or 4 seconds, and exhale for a count of 6 or 8 seconds. Or use any breathing technique or pattern you prefer.

Body Awareness as an Anchor

Find a part of your body that feels relaxed. It can be your hands, feet, or any area of the body that feels calm. Focus your attention on this region of the body until you feel grounded.

Step 4: Notice

Once you feel at ease, actively notice your surroundings. What is there to see, smell, and hear?

Do you feel present and alert, or foggy and dissociated as you look around?

Simply notice how you respond to your surroundings. If needed, return to your anchor in the previous step.

This type of “noticing” is meant to be relaxed and observational. So, it is not necessary to label or judge yourself or your environment. Allow whatever colors, shapes, sounds, scents, and movements to simply be in your field of awareness.

Do you hear bugs, birds, or people? Can you see the trees swaying in the wind?

nature's spiritual presence is healing. Natures Spiritual Presence.

If you are near water, what does it feel like to listen to the stream?

Did you know the sound of falling water can assist in meditation and relieve stress?

You may notice that there’s a lot you aren’t noticing. This is progress! So, be gentle with yourself as you get to know your chosen surroundings.

Step 5: Feel

What can you feel? Can you feel the wind or the sun? What does the air feel like on your skin? Is it cold or warm? breezy or still?

How does it feel like to place your hand on the earth or on a nearby tree or rock?

When we are not present, it is hard to notice how our bodies interact with the world around us, so take your time.

If possible, take your shoes off. Notice what your bare feet feel like on the ground. Is the ground warm or cool? firm or soft? wet or dry?

Did you know walking around barefoot on natural surfaces can help calm our nervous systems?

Step 6: Connect

By following our natural instincts, we connect to ourselves and nature.

Notice what your instincts are telling you and be guided by them. Do you want to have more boundaries or more connection with your environment?

Do you have an impulse to walk toward or away from something? To hold something in your hand? To close your eyes? Or to look around, explore, or rest?

What does your intuition want to communicate to you? What is nature teaching you at this moment?

As you connect with your nature, do you feel more like yourself? Or do feel detached and distracted?

Whatever your experience is, noticing it is a sign that you are becoming more present.

Self-Reflection: How can I spend more time in nature and connect with its spiritual presence? Am I living in a way that is aligned with the values of interconnectedness and sustainability?

Tapping Into Nature's Spiritual Presence. natures spiritual presence

Conclusion: Connecting to Nature’s Spiritual Presence

The disconnect between humans and the Earth has negatively impacted us and our environment.

It has made our society feel overwhelming and chaotic for many, and unsafe and inhabitable for many animals.

But whether you are in the heart of the city or near a beach, nature is always speaking to you. And if you slow down and listen, you can feel the peace and spiritual presence of Mother Nature.

This connection with the Earth reduces stress and anxiety, provides inspiration and insight, and promotes healing and spiritual awakening.

So, here are some ways to connect with nature: mindful walking or meditating outdoors, walking in the park with a loved one, hiking, gardening, having a picnic, nature photography, cloud or bird watching, or camping.

Just by spending more time in nature, you naturally slow down, become more present, and connect with the world around you.

As our connection to the Earth grows, a sense of reverence and gratitude arises effortlessly and spontaneously. This gratitude is aligned with higher levels of consciousness.

In truth, Mother Nature is a wonderful teacher. She imparts the wisdom of impermanence, interconnectedness, resilience, stillness, acceptance, non-judging, and simplicity.

And her presence connects you to the deeper truth of your being.

Eventually, you notice your instincts and intuition guiding you more, and you feel more connected and at ease in the world.

May you always find solace in Mother Nature’s spiritual presence, and may She continue to inspire us all for generations to come.

With Love,


Do you feel a spiritual connection to nature? I’d love to know how you connect to nature. Please share your thoughts or reflections in the comments.

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24 Gurus of Dattatreya

4 Replies to “Tapping Into Nature’s Spiritual Presence”

  1. This is profoundly powerful and such a beautiful reminder and message Ravelle! Your photos of nature always bring me right into stillness. I love seeing your childhood pictures enjoying the snow! I remember as a young child needing to spend most of my time outside. When it rained I couldn’t wait to get home to play in our large backyard among the overgrown brush, getting soaked in the process but feeling so refreshed, peaceful and energized as a result. A little later I was able to ride my bike to the nearby nature preserve and did so every weekend by myself for hours. As soon as I could drive, I’d drive myself out to this beautiful natural area called Coyote Hills and would sone hours walking. I was so lucky to have grown up in the beautiful Bay area and now I feel so grateful to live on the beautiful central coast of California. Nature is the healing, soothing balm to the soul and and a grounding, calming stillness to a mixed up mind. We are born of the Earth and we go back into Earth after we die. It’s truly our sacred Mother. Thank you for your beautiful words and reflections about how our spiritual path is rooted in nature. 🙏❤️

    1. Thank you so much, Jackie. I appreciate you taking the time to read and share your beautiful reflections! I used to enjoy playing in the rain too when I was a kid. It sounds like your connection to nature has always been strong. And I love what you said about nature being healing and that, “We are born of the Earth and we go back into Earth after we die. It’s truly our sacred Mother.” So beautifully stated! I appreciate your wonderful insights. And I’m delighted to hear that nature is a part of your spiritual path as well. 😊 🙏❤️💜

  2. Wow, thank you for sharing this very helpful post with us. Such beautiful images too. I’m realizing more and more how important it is to connect with nature.

    1. Thank you for the lovely vibes, Kim. I’m delighted to hear that you are realizing how important your connection to nature is! I hope you are able to spend more time outdoors and that brings you more peace and happiness 😊 ❤️

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